This specialty designation that covers quite a few smaller designations.
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The Virginia Commercial Building Contractor (CBC) designation is a 'larger' specialty. It is an 'umbrella' designation that covers quite a few other specialties.
This is information provided directly by the Virginia Board for Contractors (VBC), Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) regulation guide, updated January 1, 2016:
"Commercial building contractors" (Abbr: CBC) means those individuals whose contracts include construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, removal, or demolition on real property owned, controlled, or leased by another person of commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures. The CBC classification does not provide for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting services and does not allow construction, repair, or improvement, of dwellings and townhouses as defined in the USBC.
If the CBC contractor performs specialty services, other than those listed in this definition, all required specialty designations shall be obtained. The CBC contractor may act as a prime contractor and contract with subcontractors to perform work not permitted by the CBC license. The commercial building classification includes but is not limited to the functions carried out by the following specialties for contracts of commercial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures, including multi-family housing:
"Billboard/sign contracting" (Abbr: BSC) means the service that provides for the installation, repair,
improvement, or dismantling of any billboard or structural sign permanently annexed to real property. H/H and CBC are the only other classifications that can perform this work except that a contractor in this specialty
may connect or disconnect signs to existing electrical circuits. No trade related plumbing, electrical, or HVAC work is included in this function.
"Marine facility contracting" (Abbr: MCC) means the service that provides for the construction,
repair, improvement, or removal of any structure the purpose of which is to provide access to, impede, or alter a body of surface water. The CBC and H/H classifications also provide for this
function. The MCC specialty does not provide for the construction of accessory structures or electrical, HVAC or plumbing functions.
"Commercial improvement contracting" (Abbr: CIC) means the service that provides for repair or
improvement to structures not defined as dwellings and townhouses in the USBC. The CBC classification also provides for this function. The CIC classification does not provide for the construction
of new buildings, accessory buildings, electrical, plumbing, HVAC or gas work.
"Masonry contracting" (Abbr: BRK) means the service that includes the installation of brick, concrete
block, stone, marble, slate or other units and products common to the masonry industry, including mortarless type masonry products. This includes installation of grout, caulking, tuck pointing,
sand blasting, mortar washing, parging, and cleaning and welding of reinforcement steel related to masonry construction. The CBC and RBC classifications and the HIC and CIC
specialties also provide for this function.
"Concrete contracting" (Abbr: CEM) means the service that provides for all work in connection with the
processing, proportioning, batching, mixing, conveying and placing of concrete composed of materials common to the concrete industry. This includes but is not limited to finishing, coloring,
curing, repairing, testing, sawing, grinding, grouting, placing of film barriers, sealing and waterproofing. Construction and assembling of forms, molds, slipforms, pans, centering, and the use
of rebar is also included. The CBC, RBC, and H/H classifications also provide for this function.
"Painting and wallcovering contracting" (Abbr: PTC) means the service that provides for the
application of materials common to the painting and decorating industry for protective or decorative purposes, the installation of surface coverings such as vinyls, wall papers, and cloth
fabrics. This includes surface preparation, caulking, sanding and cleaning preparatory to painting or coverings and includes both interior and exterior surfaces. The CBC and RBC classifications
and the HIC and CIC specialties also provide for this function.
"Farm improvement contracting" (Abbr: FIC) means the service that provides for the installation,
repair or improvement of a nonresidential farm building or structure, or nonresidential farm accessory-use structure, or additions thereto. The CBC classification also provides for this function.
The FIC specialty does not provide for any electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting functions.
"Recreational facility contracting" (Abbr: RFC) means the service that provides for the construction,
repair, or improvement of any recreational facility, excluding paving and the construction of buildings, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC functions. The CBC classification also provides for this function.
“Industrialized building contracting” (Abbr: IBC) means the service that provides for the installation
or removal of an industrialized building as defined in the Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Regulations (13 VAC 5-91). This classification covers foundation work in accordance with the
provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13 VAC 5-63) and allows the licensee to complete internal tie-ins of plumbing, gas, electrical, and HVAC systems. It does not allow for
installing additional plumbing, gas, electrical, or HVAC work such as installing the service meter, or installing the outside compressor for the HVAC system. The CBC and RBC classifications also
provide for this function.
"Roofing contracting" (Abbr: ROC) means the service that provides for the installation, repair,
removal or improvement of materials common to the industry that form a watertight, weather resistant surface for roofs and decks. This includes roofing system components when installed in
conjunction with a roofing project, application of dampproofing or waterproofing, and installation of roof insulation panels and other roof insulation systems above roof deck. The CBC and RBC
classifications and the HIC and CIC specialties also provide for this function.
"Landscape service contracting" (Abbr: LSC) means the service that provides for the alteration or
improvement of a land area not related to any other classification or service activity by means of excavation, clearing, grading, construction of retaining walls for landscaping purposes, or
placement of landscaping timbers. This specialty may remove stumps and roots below grade. The CBC, RBC, and H/H classifications also provide for this function.
"Swimming pool construction contracting" (Abbr: POL) means the service that provides for the
construction, repair, improvement or removal of in-ground swimming pools. The CBC and RBC classifications and the RFC specialty also provide for this function. No trade related plumbing,
electrical, backflow or HVAC work is included in this specialty.
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