Virginia Home Improvement Contractor License (HIC) Training Exam Preparation Course

How to get the VA Contracting License, 6 Steps

There are six steps you need to take to get your Contractor License in the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of your specialty or types of projects you perform. Please review these steps first, by clicking the link above, to see where you are in the process ... then come back to this page.

Virginia Contractor License-100% PASS Rate For Virginia HIC PSI Exam
Nearly a 100% PASS Rate For the Virginia Contractor License HIC PSI Exam Since January 2016 - Take the PSI VA HIC Contractor Exam - Just One Time. Just One Class ... And You PassTM

Why choose Contractor Exam Prep over every other exam prep company?

  • Small, in-person live classes - Ask questions ... Get answers.
  • Every one of our exam preparation courses are Instructor-Led classes.  Advantage: You have a live, experienced instructor to guide you from start to finish and to answer your questions.  Many other exam prep companies use Computer-Based Training.  Disadvantage: You sit in front of a screen by yourself and just highlight.  Many questions go unanswered.  No clear understanding of the material. Confusion.
  • Each class is designed for your specific exam.  We don't teach 'combined' classes for multiple exams at the same time like some companies. It confuses and overwhelms you.
  • Everything you need to pass the exam in just one session - No need to travel multiple times.  Save time.  Save money.
  • Attend a second, FREE bonus session, if you want more - Increase your confidence.  Know that you know the material.
  • Our "Near 100% First Time Pass Rate Guarantee" - Know that by following our instructions, you are near 100% guaranteed to pass.
  • Experienced instructors who've trained 1,000s of contractor students - Get solid, real-world answers.
  • Needed, already highlighted, reference materials.  For some classes, we provide as loaner materials what you actually need - No additional costs.
  • Schedule to take the exam within a few days after the class.  Test out while the information is 'fresh'. No heavy studying or cramming.
  • Read our students' comments below ...

This course includes everything you'll need to Pass the Virginia Home Improvement (HIC) exam - the first time. There are no additional charges. 


"Just One Class ... And You Pass ... GUARANTEED."TM

Register Below.


BEFORE registering for this exam prep course, ENSURE THAT YOU'VE ALREADY SCHEDULED YOUR SPECIALTY EXAM for within a few days of the class. If you've read the guidelines below and are ready, SIGN UP NOW.

TYSONS CORNER - Virginia HIC Exam Prep


VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course
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Virginia Home Improvement Exam Preparation Course
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With a Nearly 100% First Time Pass Rate with every one of our Courses, Contractor Exam Preparation ...

"When it's Important to Pass the First Time."


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(VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This is information directly from, the test administrator for the Virginia Contractor Exams


Effective March 1, 2016, all Virginia Contractor License Specialty examinations will require pre-approval from DPOR prior to taking the examination. For more information please contact the Board for Contractors Licensing Section directly at (804) 367-8511.)

Here is a link where we detail very specifically the six required steps to get your Virginia Contractor License. Steps Four to Six share the specific steps you need to take to be pre-approved for the Home Improvement Contractor Specialty Exam along with necessary application documents.


6 Step Process to be Pre-Approved by DPOR to Get Virginia Contractor License


Virginia Contractor License Training - Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) Exam Prep - Choose Your Date(s) and Location

Virginia Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Training Exam Prep Course

Prepare you to pass the Virginia Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Specialty exam ... The First Time ... GUARANTEED!

Just one session prepares you to pass the Virginia Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) exam ... But if you feel you need more, come to a second Bonus Class ... ABSOLUTELY FREE!! NO ADDITIONAL COST!! The class is typically held at each location every two weeks.


Our VA contractors license course Includes Everything You Need.  We won't offer you a low exam preparation course price and then 'hit you up' for a thousand dollars more for books.  There is absolutely nothing else to buy. *We provide loaner reference materials that can be taken to the exam for one-time use that must be returned to our offices within one week of your class.



BEFORE you can sit for one of our Contractor Specialty classes, you will need two things (1) DPOR approval and (2) to have your exam scheduled with PSI.  This ensures a smoother licensing process.

We encourage you to get the application/approval process started as early as possible and get approved for your specialty exam BEFORE you register for any of our Virginia Contractor License Specialty Exam preparation courses as the approval process can require anywhere from 4 days to 45 days or more.  Please visit the PSI website for information on registering and scheduling of an exam.

What you will need to bring to class:

  1. Proof of DPOR approval
  2. Proof that you are scheduled for the PSI exam shortly after taking the class


Contractor training classes are held at our locations in Tyson's Corner and Richmond.

Choose your date(s) and location below.

(Easiest) Register Online ... Reserve your spot right away!

Tyson's Corner VA Contractor License Training Location

TYSONS CORNER LOCATION - VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course Fairfax County, VA

VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course Fairfax County, VA



VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course
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  • Available

Tyson's Corner Contractor Training Facility
1765 Greensboro Station Place
9th Floor - Tower 1
McLean (Tyson's Corner), Virginia 22102

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Directions: Greensboro Drive to Solutions Drive.

Our Training Center is the building at the end of Solutions Drive

in the 'CVENT' building.

1765 Greensboro Station Place 9th Floor - Tower 1 McLean (Tyson's Corner), Virginia 22102
Contractor Exam Preparation - VA and Maryland Contractor License classes

Richmond VA Contractor License Training Location

RICHMOND LOCATION - VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course Henrico County Glen Allen, VA

VA Contractor License Home Improvement Contracting (HIC) Exam Prep Course Henrico County, VA



Virginia Home Improvement Exam Preparation Course
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  • Limited Availability

Richmond Area Contractor Training Facility

4860 Cox Rd., Suite 200
Richmond (Glen Allen), VA 23060

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(Easier) Register by phone

(Easy) Register in person at our offices

Tyson's Corner Location

1765 Greensboro Station Place
9th Floor - Tower 1
McLean (Tyson's Corner), Virginia 22102


Richmond Location

4860 Cox Rd., Suite 200
Richmond (Glen Allen), VA 23060

This VA contractors license course includes everything that you will need to successfully pass the Virginia Home Improvement Contracting Specialty exam ... the first time! There is nothing else to buy!

  1. Reference materials needed - (One-Time Use. To Be Returned)
  2. Detailed instructions that outline the exam-scheduling process
  3. Our 'train-effortlessly-the-way-your-mind-naturally-works' method
  4. Our 100% Guarantee

Useful Information and FAQs for the Virginia Home Improvement Contracting License (HIC) Contractor Specialty

Q: What is the requirement to be approved for the VA Home Improvement specialty?

A: The Virginia HIC specialty is an 'umbrella' designation that covers a number of smaller specialties.  To qualify for the Home Improvement specialty, your Qualified Individual(s) must have sufficient experience in at least three (3) of the smaller specialties that the HIC specialty covers.  Instead of taking three or more exams, DPOR will allow you to qualify for and take just one, the Home Improvement contractor exam.


Q: Is pre-approval required for the Virginia Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) specialty?

A: Yes.  You will need to submit your license application for review to DPOR before scheduling your specialty exam.  The review process can require 4 days to 45 or more business days.  We encourage you to start early.  If you are obtaining a VA Class A contractor license, the review process can be expedited.


Q; What does the VA Home Improvement designation cover?

A: It covers quite a few smaller specialties including Masonry, Painting and Wall Covering, Roofing, windows and doors, siding, finish carpentry, etc.


Q: I've seen HIC online practice tests.  Should I try that?

A: Many find it to be a waste of money.  You can get a 'feel' for the type of questions/answers you'll encounter on the exam, but it has been reported by countless students that the information on the actual exam is very different.

You may find it helpful to download the following PSI documents.

Virginia Home Improvement Contracting exam requirements
PSI Exams document that details Contractor license VA home Improvement Contractor exam requirements
Adobe Acrobat Document 115.9 KB

Useful Information for the Virginia Contractor License VA, Class A, B, C Contractor Licenses

 VA Contractor License Information



Pre-License Course for Virginia Contractor License



The PreLicense Training course goes by several names.  It is also called the 8-Hour Prelicensing Course, the Mandatory 8-Hour Course and other variations.  Some mistakenly refer to it as the Virginia Class C Contractor license training course.  This is a mandatory course for all classes of Virginia licenses for contracting, VA Class A license, VA Class B license and the VA Class C license. This is a mandatory foundation course that helps Virginia contractor licensees understand much about running a successful construction business in Virginia.  It also details your relationship, as a licensed Virginia contractor, with the government, local and state.



Classes of and Requirements for a Contracting License in the state of Virginia



The differences in the classes of contractor licenses in Virginia ultimately comes down to two basic things: money and experience.  Below, we’ve shared the differences between the VA contractors license, VA Class A, VA Class B and VA Class C.



Class A Contractor License.  This is the largest class of Virginia contracting license.  There is no monetary limit on the size of individual projects nor on the annual revenue. Requirements for Class A contractor license in Virginia is a net worth of at least $45,000.  Also, the qualified individual, the person in the company who actually knows the hands-on, field work, must have a minimum of 5 (five) years of verifiable experience..  The qualified individual can simply be an employee or a member of management.



Class B Contractor License. This is the mid-range Virginia contracting license. With the VA Class B license, there is the opportunity for larger projects and more revenue than the VA Class C license, but falls short of the potential of the VA Class A license.  Projects just under $120,000 can be contracted.  The maximum annual revenue with this class of Virginia license is just under $750,000.  Requirements for Class B contractor license in Virginia is a net worth of at least $15,000.  Also, the qualified individual, the person in the company who actually knows the hands-on, field work, must have a minimum of 3 (three) years of verifiable experience.  The qualified individual can simply be an employee or a member of management.



Class C Contractor License. This is sometimes thought of as the ‘starter’ license.  This is the smallest of the three contracting licenses in Virginia.  Projects just under $10,000 can be contracted.  The maximum annual revenue with this class of license is just under $150,000.  For the Class C license in Virginia, there is no minimum net worth requirement.  However, the qualified individual, the person in the company who actually knows the hands-on, field work, must have a minimum of 2 (two) years of verifiable experience. .  The qualified individual can simply be an employee or a member of management.



The Contractor License Business Exam – For Class A Contractors License and Class B Contractors License (Taken by the Designated Employee)



To apply for and obtain a license for contracting in Virginia as a Class A or a Class B contractor, your designated employee must pass an examination or test, often called the ‘Virginia business exam’. 


In total, there are three portions of the exam:  the Virginia Portion, the General Portion, and the Advanced Portion.  A Class B license applicant needs only to pass two portions, the Virginia and the General Portions.  A Class A license applicant must pass all three portions.   A Class C license applicant is not required to take any portion of this contractors business examination.  The Designated Employee can be a full-time employee or a member of responsible management.



VA Contractors License Specialties



The class of contractor license in Virginia (i.e.-Virginia Class A license) is independent of the specialties the licensee is approved to perform. There are over 40 VA contractor licensing specialties (i.e.-Painting and Wallcovering) that licensees can be approved to perform.  Some specialties are very specific and limited, whereas others are ‘umbrella’ construction specialties that encompass a number of smaller specialties.  Some of the ‘umbrella’ Virginia contractor specialties are the VA Home Improvement Contracting (HIC), VA Residential Building Contracting (RBC), VA Commercial Improvement Contracting (CIC), VA Commercial Building Contracting (CBC) and the VA Highway Heavy (H/H).  Typically, it is best to apply for the largest specialty you are qualified for, as this can open the door for increased opportunities in the future without the need to take additional specialty exams.



The VA Contractor Licensing Specialty Exam (Taken by the Qualified Individual)



The focus of this exam is to test your Qualified Individual’s knowledge of the type(s) of projects you will be approved to perform as a licensed Virginia contractor.   The length of the exams, the reference materials allowed, and the subject matter vary greatly, depending on the specialty. 



As of March 1, 2016, the Qualified Individual must be pre-approved to sit for all specialty/technical exams.  The approval process can sometimes take months, so we encourage you to schedule any specialty exam course with us ONLY AFTER you’ve received your approval to sit for the Virginia contractor technical exam.



Dispelling a False VA Contractor Licensing Myth



It is not a requirement that a contractor first start with a Class C license in Virginia and then move up or upgrade.  If a contractor meets the qualifications for a Class A contractors license or a Class B contractors license, they can apply directly for them.



Virginia Contractors License, Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC License, Maryland Home Improvement Commission) Contractors License School Exam Preparation Links







We reserve the right to refuse entrance to any student for any reason.  The total remedy will be the refund of the course fee.

Comments from our instructors' students ...

VA Contractor License Class A/B Maryland MHIC Examination Preparation
VA Contractor License Class A/B Maryland MHIC Examination Preparation
VA Contractor License Class A/B Maryland MHIC Examination Preparation